Looking below the surface of leadership, strategy and culture.

I love creating a fresh perspective on topics that are complex, even misunderstood, in a way that leaders can then use in their day job. I write about strategy, innovation, leadership, culture and personal development. I’ve worked with some wonderful co-authors such as Julian Birkinshaw, Dan Cable, Ron Carucci, Dorie Clark, Gena Cox, Art Kleiner, and Chris Rangen.


Six ways to bring strategy into your work every day

Six ways to bring strategy into your work every day

Business leaders are expected to be strategic, and while organisational obstacles can prevent you from translating intent into strategic actions, so can your personal limitations and practices. It doesn’t have to be this way. Even when it feels like the odds are stacked against you, you have more choices than you may realise...
How co-leaders succeed

How co-leaders succeed

Co-leadership, where an executive, department, or team leadership role is shared, can result in more creative and strategic problem solving and wiser decision making. But it can also lead to unhealthy game playing in the pursuit of dominance and positioning for the next role, resulting in organisational misalignment, inertia, and confusion.
When discussing uncertainty, highlight opportunities for your employees

When discussing uncertainty, highlight opportunities for your employees

All the recent talk of uncertainty can leave employees feeling anxious, both about their current position and prospects. They may become reactive, defensive, and inward-looking, as if to insulate themselves from the effects of the uncertainty. Asking them to be resilient, flexible, and committed, as many leaders do, can create additional pressure.
How to develop an intrapreneurial culture

How to develop an intrapreneurial culture

Five foundational building blocks can help innovators maximise value creation inside their organisation.
Talking about a difficult decision — when you can’t share all the details

Talking about a difficult decision — when you can’t share all the details

When you have to communicate a difficult organisational decision to employees, it’s hard to know how much information to provide when you can’t be fully transparent yet. Saying nothing can undermine people’s trust in your motives and compassion, whereas saying too much can leave people feeling overwhelmed and vulnerable.
How professional services firms dodged disruption

How professional services firms dodged disruption

Adopting a dual mindset of paranoia and pragmatism can keep incumbents nimble amid changing market dynamics.
Don’t let distractions derail your company’s strategy

Don’t let distractions derail your company’s strategy

An openness to experimenting, learning, and adapting is an essential characteristic of an effective strategy process. However, it’s easy to get distracted by both external and internal developments and opportunities. Leaders should avoid the temptation to micromanage and assert control to mitigate this risk.
Why the best strategic leaders are emotional

Why the best strategic leaders are emotional

Emotions can catalyse more creative thinking and help you develop strategies that meet the moment.
Five strategies to empower employees to make decisions

Five strategies to empower employees to make decisions

Giving employees autonomy is critical for innovation, performance, and motivation. But while giving your employees more decision-making authority might look straightforward, in practice, it’s hard to pull off. The author refers to the gap between the desire for more empowerment and capability (with confidence) the ‘decision deficit’.