Episode 39

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic: Supercharging human performance

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We’re moving into the age of psychological capital based on curiosity and creativity. We need to harness data on behaviours more effectively to help us understand people in an unbiased, objective and meritocratic way. It might sound straightforward but it will require overcoming resistance, especially from those who have grown into senior leadership roles in the system; they fear what the data may show them, revealing some home truths.

Aspiring leaders have to be willing to challenge the way business works, being dissatisfied with the status quo. They’ll need to rethink of aspects of conventional wisdom — the divide between leaders and managers, the premium of style over substance and the notion that we bring our whole selves to work.

Who better to stimulate our thinking and design this new system than Professor Tomas Chamarro-Premuzic, one of the world’s leading social scientists and practitioners.

The best bits of these conversations are captured in my newsletter Strategic Leader.

More about Tomas

Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic is an international authority on people analytics, talent management, leadership development and the human-AI interface. He uses science and tech to help organisations predict human performance.

He is the Chief Innovation Officer at Manpower Group, co-founder of Deeper Signals and Metaprofiling, and Professor of Business Psychology at both University College London and Columbia University. Tomas has published 10 books and over 200 scientific papers. He is a frequent contributor to Fast Company, The Guardian, Forbes and Harvard Business Review.

“Leaders should always try to replace the status quo with something better.”

Dr Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, psychologist, author and entrepreneur


02.34 The power of data.
04.11 What’s holding us back.
06.25 Breaking through the status quo.
08.15 The distinction between leader and manager.
12.15 The traits of aspiring leaders.
15.12 Confidence vs competence.
19.55 The use of psych assessments.
24.15 The best psych assessments.
28.49 The authenticity cult or trap.
33.30 His impact.
36.20 His habits and practices.
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